Oilwatch in Latin America

Oilwatch affiliate activities and news from the Latin American Region


Save Yasuní, the Last Wonder of the Amazon!

AVAAZ.org petitions Why this is important In Ecuador thousands of us have taken to the streets to protest President Rafael Correa's decision to drill in Yasuní-ITT. The area is the most biodiverse rainforest on the planet and the home to two of the last indigenous...

Brazil to hold 1st pre-salt auction in October

La Prensa Rio de Janeiro, May 23 (EFE).- Brazil's first auction of contracts to develop offshore oil and gas reserves in the pre-salt region will be held in October, or earlier than previously scheduled, the government said Thursday. The government's National Council...

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Oilwatch is a network of resistance to the negative impacts of the oil and gas industry on peoples and their environments.


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