Oilwatch in Africa
Oilwatch affiliate activities and news from the African region
Oilwatch Africa 2019 Declaration
Stopping the Extractivist Addiction Niger Delta Declaration of Oilwatch Africa: People not Oil, Food not Oil and Fish not Oil Network members, allies and community representatives of Oilwatch Africa met in the Niger Delta city of Port Harcourt, Nigeria from 6th to...
Oilwatch Africa 2018 Conference Declaration
Beyond Fossil Fuels The Oilwatch Africa conference held in Lamu focused on the theme: Beyond Fossil Fuels.. Oilwatch Africa network members, Lamu community representatives, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), community-based organisations (CBOs)...
A Call to Stop the Irresponsible Auctioning and Exploitation of the Resources of the Niger Delta and Reckless Destruction of the Environment and Ecosystem by the Federal Government. The Ijaw people of the Niger Delta have watched helplessly in the past 60years as they...
Report: South Africa Continues to Bankroll Billions in Fossil Fuels
For Immediate Release: June 11, 2020 Contacts: Bronwen Tucker, bronwen [at] priceofoil.orgGlen Tyler-Davies, glen [at] 350.orgDaiyaan Halim, dhalim [at] cer.org.zaKate DeAngelis, kdeangelis [at] foe.org Report: South Africa Continues to Bankroll Billions in...
Oilwatch Nigeria World Environment Day Statement – Nature’s Message to Us
As we celebrate the World Environmental Day (WED) today, 5th June 2020, a day set aside by UN annually to encourage worldwide awareness and action for the protection of the environment with the theme, 'Time for Nature (Biodiversity),' with a focus on its role in...
It is time to create ANNEX 0
Proposal for COP21, Paris, December 2015 The Annex 0 proposal was made to COP21 in Paris, in December 2015 and further released at COP25, Madrid, December 2019. The purpose of this document is to present the commitments and efforts of the peoples, nationalities, and...
South Africa’s ‘cancer alley’ residents face new threat from port development
MDG : 2014 Goldman Environmental Prize : outh Durban Community Environmental Alliance Desmond D'Sa South Durban environmental alliance co-founder, Desmond D'Sa, recipient of the 2014 Goldman prize. Photograph: Jenny Bates for the Guardian The smells drifting into the...
Maputo Declaration on Climate Justice
Dear friends, Justiça Ambiental (Friends of the Earth Mozambique) partnering with organisations all over the world, hosted Seeding Climate Justice: Maputo meeting on Real Solutions to the Climate Crisis, couple weeks ago. Attached here (in English & Portuguese) is...
Please help us to publicize the WRM Bulletin
We have recently changed the way we send out our information, including our monthly electronic Bulletin. This means that e-mail subscribers need to re-register via our WRM web site, and because of this, many people who used to receive the WRM Bulletin no longer do so....
The first climate justice summit: a pie in the face for the global north
The Guardian Today it is accepted, but 20-30 years ago campaigners were struggling to even get an acknowledgement that climate change was happening, let alone that it was manmade. It would have been hard to imagine that one day we might hold the developed nations...
oilwatch in Other Regions
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Oilwatch is a network of resistance to the negative impacts of the oil and gas industry on peoples and their environments.
Oilwatch Secretariats
Health of Mother Earth Foundation
Accion Ecologica