by oilwatch | May 2, 2013 | Africa, Latin America, Publication, South Asia
THE AFRICA REPORT When Svante Arrhenius, a Swedish chemist and Nobel laureate, published the first articles on climate change in 1896, the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere was 300 parts per million (ppm). It is now reaching 400 ppm and rising 2 ppm per...
by oilwatch | Nov 25, 2009 | Africa, Publication
Proposal submitted by ERA to the Nigerian government on the 25th of November 2009 to leave new oil in the soil and to build a post petroleum Nigeria. Download and read here.
by oilwatch | Nov 19, 2009 | Publication, South Asia
This month’s bulletin covers: • Rights Groups Call for China to Halt Construction of Pipeline in Burma• China must halt oil and gas pipeline projects in Burma (Editorial)• CNPC starts China-Burma Oil pipeline construction with abuses• Why Dealing with Burma Is a Very...
by oilwatch | Dec 10, 2008 | Publication
By Ugochukwu ChimeziriOnly a comprehensive review of the 1999 constitution and enacting of laws to regulate man’s activity on the environment can stave off an imminent environmental chaos in the country. This was the consensus of stakeholders from both public and...
by oilwatch | Nov 15, 2008 | Publication, South Asia
CHINA’S EXPANDING OIL VENTURES FUEL ANGER IN WESTERN BURMA. New York and Hong Kong Stock Exchange-listed CNOOC behind series of abuses on oil exploration project, says report BANGKOK – An unregulated scramble for oil and gas by Chinese companies in Burma is...