Yasunizing the World (2)

Triplecrisis.com Joan Martinez Alier, Guest Blogger In May 2013, the international press has become alive to the fact thatthere is a lot of unburnable fossil fuels. “Unburnable” carbon hasbecome a buzz word in The Economist and in The New York Times. If...

Yasunizing the world?

THE AFRICA REPORT When Svante Arrhenius, a Swedish chemist and Nobel laureate, published the first articles on climate change in 1896, the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere was 300 parts per million (ppm). It is now reaching 400 ppm and rising 2 ppm per...

Crude Justice & Ecocide in the Niger Delta

EJOLT Oil permeates our existence. From water bottles, plastics, fuels and paints to fertilizers, fabrics and solvents. Yet despite its ubiquity, the reality of the infrastructure behind oil extraction – the pipelines, terminals, offshore rigs, the tankers that ply...

Africans Unite Against new Form of Colonialism

Environmental Rights Action Outraged by the rampant land grabs and neocolonialism of REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest degradation), Africans at the World Social Forum in Tunisia took the historic decision to launch the No REDD in Africa Network...